One way to drive traffic to your hubs is to create backlinks.
So What are Backlinks?
Backlinks are permanent links from other sites, hubs, blogs, or websites.
A quick form of backlink to your hub would be a link from Twitter or Facebook. These are ok to a point. You may gain short term traffic while the link is up, but they are only visible to a limited number of people, unleess your friends and followers have a habit of forwarding and re-tweeting.
Those links then soon disappear and you have enjoyed a brief moment of increased viewing.
Better Backlinks:
The best back lins are in the form of permanent links from "Expert" websites. These links are beloved of the search engines, but How would you get an expert website to link to your hubs?
Simple: Create your own expert website, in the form of a blog or website.
Create a blog or website which is very specific to one small niche group of viewers.
Post on this regularly, link to your hubs, also very tightly grouped to the main niche of your blog or website.
As your blog or website matures, after three months at least, the Search Engines see it as maturing and with so many links it becomes "expert".
So here is an example.
You write a hub on trainspotting.
Your hub gets a few views from friends and goes away down the ranks.
So you build a hub on trainspotting.
Here you post lots of information on trains, where a particular engine or train will be.
It is watched by Google and the other Search engines and you get some good views, a few dozen per day.
As you build this blog or website, you post more hubs on trainspotting.
You link your blog to hubs and vice verdsa.
The Search Engines see all this two way traffic and you can now after a month or two add a listing on Technoratti, the blog catalogue.
Traffic continues to build and you will notice as you add each new hub and link back to it from your blog the traffic between the blog and hub maintains a higher level.
This will depend on the topic but as long as you at first maintain a tight niche topic, you will see your "expertise" level keep your SEO rank higher, traffic higher and hopefully revenue higher.
Then as your original niche becomes too narroew, you might need to add supporting ideas, so a train spotter needs his "anorak" what is the best trainspotting anorak? Add a clothing niche. You need somewhere to stay as a trainspotter, add hotel reviews. All the time linking in to your trainspotting niche, your expertise you are building a wider network of connections.
Your traffic will increase and search engines will take notice of you more.
In a real world example, I have a blindness blog alongside this one. I posted a story on that blog about Glaucoma, an easily preventable cause of blindness, within three hours, because of expertise status on the blog, being within the niche and good use of keywords within the niche, the blog post on glaucoma reached number three on Google. That also caused a spike in traffic on my blindness related hubs on HubPages.