Sunday, January 22, 2012

Yahoo! Voices - Why Have my CPM Numbers fallen to Zero?

Don't Panic.  Your viewing figures have not really fallen to zero.

When Yahoo! Voices sends your contributor payment to you following your payout, over 1,000 views on the second Tuesday of the month.

Yahoo! then resets the counter to zero for the content which it has already paid you for.

So your all time viewing figures continue to rise per view.

If you have 20 views in All-Time Views on a payout day and 20 contributory views in the next column.

This will read All-time 20 and 0 immediately after apayout.

As new viewers come in, the All-Time views will rise 21, 22, 23 ... etc. and the contribution figure will begin 1, 2, 3, ... and so on.

So this allows you to sort out your really good money making posts and the areas which produce less revenue.

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